“And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose,”
Such a great verse that we love to quote, especially during what we perceive as a tough time in our lives. I have to wonder if maybe Paul had these thoughts like this verse during his trip to join the recipients of this letter. (Read Acts 28, chapter 29 is good also.) Paul had much more suffering than most Americans will ever see. What is interesting in this verse is that it not only applies to us personally, but to creation in general. We tend to limit this verse us and the good that can be seen in the end of a trial. But this verses is so much more! It really is referring to the end of this age when the destructiveness of sin is removed! See we were created perfect along with a perfect creation. It was the introduction of sin that causes trouble and one day, that trouble willl be completely removed.